Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Most experiences in life are mutually exclusive. You got to take the most of the ones you have and understand the ones you don't. Especial attention must be paid to the unpleasant ones, since they are typically not our choice of experiences and they yield a significant opportunity for growth.

Carpe Diem,

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Gladiator - Eternity

Maximus: What we do in life echoes in eternity.

(From: Memorable quotes for Gladiator (2000) at

Monday, April 16, 2007

Meet Joe Black - Let Go

[Watching the fireworks above the party before they depart]
William Parrish: It's hard to let go, isn't it?
Joe Black: Yes it is, Bill. Yes it is.
William Parrish: Well, that's life... what can I tell you.

(Adapted from: Memorable quotes for Meet Joe Black (1998) at

Meet Joe Black - Find

Joe Black: ... I'm talking about taking care of each other the best you can. What's wrong with taking care of a woman? She takes care of you.
Susan: You'll have a hard time finding a woman like that these days.
Joe Black: Shoot, you think so?
Susan: Mm-hmm.
Joe Black: I don't know. Lightning could strike.

(From: Meet Joe Black Script - Dialogue Transcript at

Instrument of Your Peace

Sir, make me instrument of your peace.
Where it shall have hatred, that I bring love;
Where it shall have offense, that I bring pardon;
Where it shall have discord, that I bring union;
Where it shall have doubt, that I bring faith;
Where it shall have error, that I bring truth;
Where it shall have desperation, bring I take hope;
Where it shall have sadness, that I bring joy;
Where it shall have darknesses, that I bring light.

Master, make that I seek more:
To console than to be consoled;
To understand than to be understood;
To love than to be loved.
Thus it is in giving that it's received;
It is in pardoning that one is pardoned;
And it is in dying that one lives for the Eternal Life.

(From: a Portuguese original of the San Francis' Prayer - Oracao de Sao Francisco - at,,OI1079339-EI5930,00.html)

Saturday, April 14, 2007

On Links (*)

I will always try and add links in the URL form, like:

Whereas, for readability, when referring to an entry in my own blog, I may add a link as a text. For instance, On Links (*) is a link to this post.

The main reason for that pattern is that you can copy & paste the whole blog as text only and you'll still get it all.

Carpe Diem,

The Devil Wears Prada - Choose

Miranda Priestly: I never thought I would say this, Andrea... but I really see a great deal of myself in you. You can see beyond what people want and what they need... and you can choose for yourself.
Andy Sachs: I don't think I'm like that.

(From: The Devil Wears Prada at and

See Ocean's Eleven - To Know and Coldplay - Fix You.

Carpe Diem,

Friday, April 13, 2007

Jerry Maguire - Hello

Dorothy: ... You had me at "hello".

(From: Memorable quotes for Jerry Maguire (1996) at

Up Close & Personal - Listen

Warren Justice: ... twenty million people are gonna be depending on you ... Before they trust you they've to know you're listening to them! To do that, you must Know who you are!

(Extracte from Up Close And Personal Script - Dialogue Transcript at

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Ocean's Eleven - To Know

Tess: Do you remember what I said when we met?
Danny: You said I'd better know what I'm doing.
Tess: And do you? Because you should walk out that door if you don't.
Danny: I know what I'm doing.

(From: Memorable quotes for Ocean's Eleven (2001)

It's all about consciousness and choice (see Education and Coldplay (Fix You)).

Carpe Diem,

Key to Marriage

"The key to succeeding in marriage is not finding the right person; it's learning to love the person you found."

(Extracted from

See Captain Corelli's Mandolin - Love.

Carpe Diem,

The Last Kiss - Love

Michael: I love her... I know I love her more than everything in the world...
: Stop talking about love. Every asshole in the world say he loves somebody. It still doesn't mean anything. What you feel only matters to you! It's what you do to the people you say you love that what matters. It's the only thing that counts ... ... Just do whatever it takes, to love is that simple: You'll never fail if you don't give up.

(From: The Last Kiss (2206), adapted from:

"Love is what love does". (From: The Servant by James C. Hunter)

Carpe Diem,

Monday, April 9, 2007

One Fine Day - Complex

Melanie: You know, I really can't stand those people who blame their worst traits on everyone but themselves. It's so 90s.
Jack: Oh, God, what are you talking about?
Melanie: You're blaming your Peter Pan complex on your mother?
Jack: What Peter Pan complex?
Melanie: The one you're so proud of.
Jack: You got any friends?
Melanie: I don't have time for friends.
Jack: That's because of your Captain Hook complex.
Melanie: My what?
Jack: Captain Hook complex.
Melanie: There's no such thing.
Jack: Yes, there is and you have it.

(From: One Fine Day (1996) at

Friday, April 6, 2007

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Liberty - Desjardins

"The freedom is not a state where all questions will get an answer, it is a state where the questions will no longer be made."

(Freely translated from: Premiers Pas Vers La Sagesse by Arnaud Desjardins, Portuguese version, p. 35 - see

Monday, April 2, 2007

Nationalism and Democracy

"At all events, from the point of view of ruling classes the important thing was not what 'the masses' believed, but that their beliefs now counted on politics."

Nationalism and Democracy came to scene during that period from 1848-1875. When tradition was overthrown by equality (the word-of-order brought by the bourgeoisie to justify its new theories), democracy appeared as a natural consequence. Folklore and Language were used or adjusted to create the concept of nations, thus providing the stage for the new (economic) ruling class to perform. Our civilization has been born.

What will come next? A return to tradition? A new nationalism of virtual tribes?

See Feudalism.

(Based on "The Age of Capital: 1848-1875" by Eric Hobsbawm, chap. 5 and 6)

Carpe Diem,

City of Angels - Free Will

Nathaniel: Listen, kid... He gave these bozos the greatest gift in the universe - you think He didn't give it to us, too?
Seth: Which gift?
Nathaniel: Free will, brother. Free will.

(From: City of Angels at hh:mm:ss 00:52:54)

City of Angels - Where

Seth: Let's go somewhere.
Maggie: Where?
Seth: I don't care.
Maggie: What do you want to do?
Seth: Anything.

(From: City of Angels at hh:mm:ss 00:39:15)

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Being alike

Our being alike only comes to really exist in the long term,
which is the glue that ties people together.