Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Sentiments - Desjardins

It's possible to judge a civilization by the level of the emotions that feed its members. Today, as the noble emotion disappears, it is replaced by sensations - a way to feel as being alive. Sensations are related to lights, colors, smells, sounds, noises, fireworks... Through sensations, the evolution is merely quantitative rather than qualitative. It's like a drug. Instead of driving at 140 km/h, you want to drive at 180 km/h to feel something.

Sensations are always limited. And, without the proper caution, can ruin the nervous system. Whereas sentiments are boundless and Infinite.

Through noble emotions you reach sentiments and the superior states of conscience.

(Adapted from: Premiers Pas Vers La Sagesse by Arnaud Desjardins, Portuguese version, chap. 3 [~p. 100]- see http://www.amis-hauteville.fr/)

See Appreciation - Desjardins and Saint Augustine - On Magnitude of the Soul.

Carpe Diem,

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