Download "" (HSQLD DB ENGINE) from
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Java: Creating a JDBC Connection to OpenOffice.Org Databases
The following example will open an Base file via the Java ZIP classes, extract the necessary files to the temporary folder, create the JDBC connection using the HSQLDB JDBC driver, query, then delete the temp files.
import java.sql.*;
import org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver;
import java.util.*;
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
jdbcDriver j = new jdbcDriver(); //Instantiate the jdbcDriver from HSQL
Connection con = null; //Database objects
Statement com = null;
ResultSet rec = null;
ZipFile file = null; //For handeling zip files
ZipEntry ent = null;
Enumeration en = null; //For the entries in the zip file
BufferedOutputStream out = null; //For the output from the zip class
InputStream in = null; //for reading buffers from the zip file
File f = null; //Used to get a temporary file name, not actually used for anything
int len; //General length counter for loops
List v = new ArrayList(); //Stores list of unzipped file for deletion at end of program
//Unzip zip file, via info from
//Open the zip file that holds the OO.Org Base file
file = new ZipFile("/home/digiassn/OODatabase/employeeDatabase.odb");
//Create a generic temp file. I only need to get the filename from
//the tempfile to prefix the extracted files for OO Base
f = File.createTempFile("ooTempDatabase", "tmp");
//Get file entries from the zipfile and loop through all of them
en = file.entries();
while (en.hasMoreElements())
//Get the current element
ent = (ZipEntry)en.nextElement();
//If the file is in the database directory, extract it to our
//temp folder using the temp filename above as a prefix
if (ent.getName().startsWith("database/"))
System.out.println("Extracting File: " + ent.getName());
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
//Create an input stream file the file entry
in = file.getInputStream(ent);
//Create a output stream to write out the entry to, using the
//temp filename created above
out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("/tmp/" + f.getName() + "." + ent.getName().substring(9)));
//Add the newly created temp file to the tempfile vector for deleting
//later on
v.add("/tmp/" + f.getName() + "." + ent.getName().substring(9));
//Read the input file into the buffer, then write out to
//the output file
while((len = >= 0)
out.write(buffer, 0, len);
//close both the input stream and the output stream
//Close the zip file since the temp files have been created
//Create our JDBC connection based on the temp filename used above
con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:hsqldb:file:/tmp/" + f.getName(), "SA", "");
//Create a command object and execute, storing the results in the rec object
com = con.createStatement();
rec = com.executeQuery("select * from \"employees\"");
//GO through the resultset, and output the results
while (
System.out.println("Last Name: " + rec.getString("nm_emp_last") + " First Name: " + rec.getString("nm_emp_first"));
//Close all the database objects
//Delete the temporary files, which file names are stored in the v vector
for (len = 0; len <> v.size(); len++)
(new File((String)v.get(len))).delete();
catch (Exception e)
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Java error when connecting to Open Office Base Database
Java error when connecting to Open Office Base Database:
java.sql.SQLException: Wrong database file version
at org.hsqldb.jdbc.Util.sqlException(
Try closing the Data Base before running the program.
java.sql.SQLException: Wrong database file version
at org.hsqldb.jdbc.Util.sqlException(
Try closing the Data Base before running the program.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Democracy and Capitalism
Democracy and Capitalism are new ways to rapidly swap financial, economical and political power.
Democracia e Capitalismo
A Democracia e o Capitalismo são formas modernas para facilitar a troca de poder financeiro, econômico e político.
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